full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Michael Pawlyn: Using nature's genius in architecture

Unscramble the Blue Letters

So returning to those big challenges that I mentioned at the beginning: radical increases in rseource efficiency, closing loops and a solar economy. They're not just possible; they're ctricail. And I firmly believe that studying the way nature solves problems will provide a lot of the solutions. But perhaps more than anything, what this thiknnig provides is a really positive way of talking about sustainable dgiesn. Far too much of the talk about the environment uses very navitege language. But here it's about synergies and abundance and optimizing. And this is an important point.

Open Cloze

So returning to those big challenges that I mentioned at the beginning: radical increases in ________ efficiency, closing loops and a solar economy. They're not just possible; they're ________. And I firmly believe that studying the way nature solves problems will provide a lot of the solutions. But perhaps more than anything, what this ________ provides is a really positive way of talking about sustainable ______. Far too much of the talk about the environment uses very ________ language. But here it's about synergies and abundance and optimizing. And this is an important point.


  1. design
  2. thinking
  3. critical
  4. resource
  5. negative

Original Text

So returning to those big challenges that I mentioned at the beginning: radical increases in resource efficiency, closing loops and a solar economy. They're not just possible; they're critical. And I firmly believe that studying the way nature solves problems will provide a lot of the solutions. But perhaps more than anything, what this thinking provides is a really positive way of talking about sustainable design. Far too much of the talk about the environment uses very negative language. But here it's about synergies and abundance and optimizing. And this is an important point.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
radical increases 4
seawater greenhouse 4
resource efficiency 3
solar economy 2
structures based 2
graham wiles 2
fresh water 2
sahara forest 2
sustainable design 2
concentrated solar 2
restorative benefits 2
calcium carbonate 2
waste brine 2

Important Words

  1. abundance
  2. big
  3. challenges
  4. closing
  5. critical
  6. design
  7. economy
  8. efficiency
  9. environment
  10. firmly
  11. important
  12. increases
  13. language
  14. loops
  15. lot
  16. mentioned
  17. nature
  18. negative
  19. optimizing
  20. point
  21. positive
  22. problems
  23. provide
  24. radical
  25. resource
  26. returning
  27. solar
  28. solutions
  29. solves
  30. studying
  31. sustainable
  32. synergies
  33. talk
  34. talking
  35. thinking